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What if...

Another day, another dollar, and you find yourself dissatisfied, apathetic, and even empty or drained. You start thinking about the triggering moments, the bad ones or just the senseless.

The feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction start to build up and you find yourself wondering if you should be doing something else in life instead.

You find yourself at a crossroads.

You start reflecting on your life decisions, starting at the why’s and ending at the what if’s. The latter start setting you in a different mood and it starts waking up your inner dreamer.

For a brief moment, you allow yourself to go to Dreamland, imagining how this version of yourself would be like, to sense what it would look and feel like if you had just followed that passion of yours, wondering how life would be different if you’d just had the chance to do it back then.

You’re flying high, you feel calmer, happy, less anxious as your brain starts releasing the “happy” chemicals (for more information read on serotonin). You continue to savour how fulfilling it would be if you’d just had the chance to dive into it… what if…? How?

And suddenly you feel stuck, everything shuts down. The inner critic comes into play!

The voice in your head that pulls you back to reality and grounds you to your comfort zone - It’s too late, I’m too old, I don’t have the money, I don’t have the time, it’s not possible, I don’t deserve it, I will make a fool out of myself

The sabotaging thoughts, the limiting beliefs start hitting hard to help you rationalise, to feed your confirmation bias. This means you don’t perceive circumstances objectively and you become a prisoner of your assumptions.

What if there is a way to release you from these assumptions? What if someone could help you find a way? What if someone could help you explore the path you imagine, or even alternative ones that you have never considered?

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” (Aristotle)

In order to deal with your inner critic and saboteurs the first step is to really get to know yourself. Working on self-awareness sets the foundation for the whole process. And there are a lot of tools that can help you in this quest.

However, if you’re considering a career or life transition and you’d like to explore things at a deeper level and to be able to apply it in your life working with a coach could be highly beneficial.

Working with a professional can help you dig and bring to the surface your deepest values and beliefs, your strengths and (transferrable) skills. With that information the coach will help you bridge these to your (professional) life, and together you will define a concrete and realistic plan of action.

If you’d like to start to build a deeper knowledge of yourself stay tuned for the next post, in which I will share free tools to help you increase your self-awareness!


About Eva:

Eva uses her experience and academic knowledge in Psychology, Human Resources, Coaching and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) to coach her international clients through both personal & professional transitions, helping them figuring out what's next.

Her mission is to be the catalyst for her clients' change, for their personal development, while building their confidence and improving their self-awareness.

Get in touch to understand how you could build your path together. The first conversation is free, so what do you have to lose?

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